Monday 29 October 2012

Fabulously Useful tip... from Sarah

This may come across as one of those 'Cut Out Your Flab With One Simple Tip' adverts that appear on Google (do they ever work???) but it really isn't...

I am, shall we say, a certain age now where hot flushes and uncomfortably hot nights had become the norm - but I've found a way of stopping both.  I know - how mad is that?  So I thought I'd pass it on in the hope that it may help somebody else...

After a particularly lovely holiday this summer eating and drinking more than I should, I came home feeling somewhat, um, flabby and decided to cut out sugar for a couple of weeks... Not that I was ever a sugar freak, but I did drink a lot of Lucozade for energy.  After a couple of weeks the flab hadn't really moved (sigh) but then I realised both the hot flushes and the night sweats had stopped.  Really!  They didn't re-appear and gradually I relaxed a bit so that over the next couple of months the sugary stuff crept back into my diet - and so did the symptoms.  In order to prove it wasn't just a fluke, I cut out sugar again.  With exactly the same result.

So there it is - hopefully a Fabulously Useful tip for anybody else around the same age!