Tuesday 8 January 2013

Christmas - by Sarah

Ultra nervous little rescue dog had emergency surgery at a new vets for something our own vets had missed ALL YEAR.  Spent the rest of Christmas a bit in shock over the fact that she could have died at any moment during the past 12 months.  Still, drink is good for shock, isn't it?  And we were very shocked...  And Guy and I wore matching reindeer sweaters to a family get-together.  They were supposed to be super-naff but I apparently (and completely accidentally) bought something quite stylish.  Yay!  Now in super-training mode for the next mud-runner event.  Anyone want to join me??? Anyone?

Monday 7 January 2013

Christmas - by Sue

Had the norovirus.  Didn't eat, didn't drink, lost 4 pounds.

Was that it?

Thursday 3 January 2013

Christmas - by Debbie

Sustainable Fun was had in the Leigh household this year despite my total bah humbugness over the excess spending and waste that traditionally mars my festive season. 

My guests were asked to bring along eco-gifts only. Something they had made, were re-gifting, or had bought from a charity shop. Despite the stress for some of not being allowed to go to M&S and buy a token set of smelly stuff,  eco-gift swapping was the highlight of the day.

It was especially brilliant as Dad confused the £10 spend limit on the kids with the eco-gift rules and bought everyone a charity shop item for £10 - which meant some real top quality items were to be had!